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Caring for Your Pet's Ashes: Tips and Considerations

Losing a beloved pet is undoubtedly a challenging experience, and deciding how to handle their remains can add to the emotional weight of the situation. Many pet owners opt for cremation as a way to honor their furry friend's memory and keep them close.

Losing a beloved pet is undoubtedly a challenging experience, and deciding how to handle their remains can add to the emotional weight of the situation. Many pet owners opt for cremation as a way to honor their furry friend's memory and keep them close. Once you've received your pet's ashes, it's essential to consider how you'll care for them. Here are some tips and considerations to help guide you through this process:

  1. Choose an Appropriate Container: Selecting the right container for your pet's ashes is a deeply personal choice. Many cremation service providers offer a variety of urns, ranging from simple to ornate designs. Consider your pet's personality and your preferences when making this decision. Additionally, ensure that the container is sturdy and securely sealed to protect the ashes.

  2. Store the Ashes in a Safe Location: Decide where you'll keep your pet's ashes. Some pet owners choose to display the urn in a prominent place in their home, while others prefer a more private location. Whatever you decide, make sure the area is safe from potential damage or accidents.

  3. Handle with Care: Treat your pet's ashes with the same respect and care that you would their living presence. Avoid placing the urn in direct sunlight or extreme temperatures, as this could cause damage over time. Additionally, handle the urn gently to prevent accidental spills or breakage.

  4. Consider Memorializing Your Pet: Many pet owners find comfort in creating a memorial for their beloved companion. This could involve planting a tree or flower in their honor, dedicating a special area in your home or garden, or even commissioning a custom piece of artwork. Find a way to remember your pet that feels meaningful to you.

  5. Seek Support if Needed: Grieving the loss of a pet is a unique and individual experience. If you find yourself struggling to cope with your emotions, don't hesitate to reach out for support. Whether it's through friends and family, pet loss support groups, or counseling services, there are resources available to help you navigate this difficult time.

Caring for your pet's ashes is a way to honor their memory and keep them close to your heart. By considering these tips and taking the time to reflect on what feels right for you and your pet, you can find comfort and solace in knowing that they will always be remembered with love.

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Heath Olinger Heath Olinger

Tips for dealing with the pet grieving process

Dealing with the loss of a pet can be a difficult and emotional process. Here are some tips to help you cope with the grieving process:

Dealing with the loss of a pet can be a difficult and emotional process. Here are some tips to help you cope with the grieving process:

  1. Allow Yourself to Grieve: Understand that grieving is a natural and necessary part of the healing process. It's okay to feel sad, angry, or even guilty. Give yourself permission to experience and express these emotions.

  2. Create a Memorial: Consider creating a memorial for your pet. This could be a scrapbook, a photo album, or even a small ceremony to celebrate your pet's life. This can provide a tangible way to remember and honor your furry friend.

  3. Talk About Your Feelings: Share your thoughts and feelings with friends, family, or support groups. Sometimes, expressing your emotions can help alleviate the pain. Don't hesitate to seek support from people who understand the bond between humans and their pets.

  4. Maintain Routine: Pets often play a significant role in daily routines. Try to maintain your normal routine as much as possible, even though it may be challenging. This can provide a sense of stability during a difficult time.

  5. Take Care of Yourself: Grieving can be physically and emotionally draining. Make sure to get enough rest, eat well, and engage in activities that bring you comfort. Taking care of yourself is crucial during this white dog period.

  6. Create a Support System: Surround yourself with people who understand and empathize with your pet loss. Share memories of your pet and let others provide comfort and companionship. Having a support system can make the grieving process more manageable.

  7. Seek Professional Help if Needed: If your grief is overwhelming and impacting your daily life, consider seeking the help of a therapist or counselor. Professional support can provide guidance and coping strategies to navigate through the grieving process.

  8. Celebrate Your Pet's Life: Instead of focusing solely on the loss, celebrate the joy and companionship your pet brought into your life. Remember the positive experiences and the love you shared.

  9. Give Yourself Time: Grieving is a personal process that takes time. Be patient with yourself and allow the healing process to unfold naturally. It's okay if you need more time than others to come to terms with the loss.

  10. Consider a New Pet: While it's important not to rush into getting a new pet immediately, eventually, you might consider adopting another animal when you feel ready. A new pet can bring joy and companionship, though it won't replace the one you lost.

Remember that everyone grieves differently, so find what works best for you. It's essential to honor your feelings and give yourself the time and space needed to heal.

Learn more about our DFW pet cremation process by calling us today at (972) 483-5588 or click here to connect with us online.

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Heath Olinger Heath Olinger

Choosing the Right Urn for Your Pet's Ashes

Choosing the right urn for a pet's ashes is a personal and often emotional decision. Here's a step-by-step guide to help pet owners make this choice:

Choosing the right urn for a pet's ashes is a personal and often emotional decision. Here's a step-by-step guide to help pet owners make this choice:

  1. Determine the Purpose:

    • Consider the intended use of the urn. Whether it's for display at home, burial, scattering, or placement in a pet memorial garden, the purpose can influence the size, material, and design of the urn.

  2. Measure the Ashes:

    • Obtain the accurate measurements of the ashes. This includes both the volume and weight, as different urns have varying capacities. Most crematoriums provide this information upon returning the ashes.

  3. Explore Material Options:

    • Research different materials used in crafting urns, such as wood, metal, ceramic, stone, or biodegradable materials. Each material carries its own aesthetic appeal, durability, and symbolism.

  4. Consider Personalization:

    • Think about how the urn can be personalized to reflect the unique White Dog personality and memories of the pet. Engraving the pet's name, dates, or a special message adds a personal touch.

  5. Match Style and Decor:

    • Consider the style of the urn and how well it complements the home decor. Whether it's a traditional, contemporary, or themed design, choosing an urn that fits the owner's taste can make the memorial more meaningful.

  6. Budgetary Constraints:

    • Set a budget for the urn and explore options within that range. Urns come in various price ranges, and finding one that fits both the budget and personal preferences is essential.

  7. Explore Eco-Friendly Options:

    • If environmental considerations are important, look into eco-friendly urn options. Biodegradable urns made from materials like recycled paper or bamboo provide a sustainable choice.

  8. Think About Long-Term Durability:

    • Consider the long-term durability of the chosen urn, especially if it will be displayed outdoors or subjected to various environmental conditions. Some materials may require more maintenance than others.

  9. Read Reviews and Seek Recommendations:

    • Research and read reviews from other pet owners who have chosen urns. Seek recommendations from friends, family, or online communities to learn about their experiences and get insights.

  10. Consult with Crematorium Staff:

    • Reach out to the crematorium staff for guidance. They can provide information on available options, offer recommendations based on their experience, and answer any questions about the urn selection process.

  11. Trust Your Instincts:

    • Ultimately, trust your instincts and choose an urn that resonates with your emotions and memories of your pet. The right urn is the one that brings comfort and peace to the pet owner.

Remember that the process of choosing an urn is a highly personal one, and there is no right or wrong choice. It's about finding a meaningful and fitting tribute to honor the cherished memories shared with a beloved pet.

Contact Us

For more tips on choosing the right urn for your pets ashes, or to speak with us about our pet cremation services, contact us today by calling (972) 483-5588 or click here to connect with us online.

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Heath Olinger Heath Olinger

Why More People Are Turning to Pet Cremation

As pets age, their exercise needs may change, and it's important to consider their individual health conditions and limitations. Always consult with your veterinarian before starting a new exercise routine for your aging pet. Here are some general exercises that may benefit aging pets:

There are several reasons why more people are turning to pet cremation:

  1. Emotional Connection: People often form strong emotional bonds with their pets, considering them as integral members of the family. When a pet passes away, pet owners may want to honor and remember their companions in a meaningful way. Cremation provides a tangible way to keep a part of the pet close, either through ashes in an urn or through other memorialization options.

  2. Personalization and Memorialization: Pet cremation allows for a greater degree of personalization in memorializing the pet. Owners can choose from various urns, memorial jewelry, or even scatter the ashes in a special place. This customization enables a more tailored and meaningful way to remember the pet.

  3. Flexibility in Handling Ashes: Pet cremation offers flexibility in how the ashes are handled. Some people choose to keep the ashes in an urn at home, while others may scatter them in a favorite location or opt for a communal scattering. This flexibility accommodates different preferences and beliefs about the afterlife and the significance of ashes.

  4. Space Considerations: In some cases, pet owners may face constraints in terms of space or local regulations for burying pets on their property. Cremation provides a practical alternative, allowing people to keep their pets' remains without the need for a dedicated burial site.

  5. Environmental Concerns: Traditional pet burials involve the use of land, and some individuals may be concerned about the environmental impact. Cremation can be perceived as a more environmentally friendly option, especially if the ashes are scattered in a natural setting or stored in a biodegradable urn.

  6. Grief Processing: Cremation can facilitate the grieving process for Dallas pet owners by providing closure and a tangible way to say goodbye. Having a memorial or keeping the ashes can serve as a comforting reminder of the positive memories shared with the pet.

  7. Cultural and Religious Acceptance: In some cultures or religious traditions, cremation is an accepted and commonplace practice. Pet owners who adhere to these beliefs may choose cremation as a way to align with their cultural or religious norms.

  8. Practical Considerations: Cremation can be a more practical Dallas option for those who live in urban or rental environments where burial may not be feasible or permitted. It eliminates the need for finding and maintaining a suitable burial site.

Overall, the decision to choose pet cremation is deeply personal and depends on individual preferences, beliefs, and circumstances. As the bond between people and their pets continues to strengthen, the demand for pet cremation services is likely to persist.

Learn more about our pet cremation services by calling us at (972) 483-5588 or click here!

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Heath Olinger Heath Olinger

Best exercises for an aging pet

As pets age, their exercise needs may change, and it's important to consider their individual health conditions and limitations. Always consult with your veterinarian before starting a new exercise routine for your aging pet. Here are some general exercises that may benefit aging pets:

As pets age, their exercise needs may change, and it's important to consider their individual health conditions and limitations. Always consult with your veterinarian before starting a new exercise routine for your aging pet. Here are some general exercises that may benefit aging pets:

  1. Low-impact activities:

    • Walking: A gentle walk is a great low-impact exercise for most aging pets. Adjust the duration and pace based on your pet's abilities.

    • Swimming: If your pet enjoys water, swimming is an excellent low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints.

  2. Stretching exercises:

    • Gentle stretches: Encourage your pet to stretch by gently extending their limbs. This can help maintain flexibility and range of motion.

  3. Interactive play:

    • Soft toys: Use soft and lightweight toys for interactive play. Tossing and gentle tugging can provide mental and physical stimulation.

    • Hide and seek: Hide treats or toys around the house or yard, encouraging your pet to explore and move.

  4. Balance exercises:

    • Balance pads: Place a soft balance pad or cushion on the floor and encourage your pet to stand or walk on it. This helps improve balance and stability.

  5. Modified fetch:

    • Short-distance fetch: If your pet enjoys fetch, keep the throws short to avoid excessive strain. Use soft toys to reduce impact.

  6. Massage and joint exercises:

    • Gentle massages: Massaging your pet can help improve circulation and reduce stiffness. Focus on areas where your pet may have arthritis or muscle tension.

    • Range of motion exercises: Gently move your pet's limbs through their natural range of motion to maintain joint flexibility.

  7. Senior pet classes:

    • Some communities offer senior pet exercise classes or rehabilitation programs designed specifically for aging pets. These classes are often led by professionals who can tailor exercises to individual needs.

Always monitor your pet during exercise and be attentive to signs of fatigue, discomfort, or pain. If your pet has specific health issues, your veterinarian may recommend a customized exercise plan or suggest alternative activities. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to assess your pet's overall health and make adjustments to their exercise routine as needed.

To learn more about our pet cremation services contact us today by calling (972) 483-5588 or click here to connect with us online.

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Heath Olinger Heath Olinger

Unlocking the Secrets to a Happy and Healthy Elder Cat: Essential Tips for Prolonging Your Feline Friend's Life

As our beloved feline friends grow older, it is important to understand the aging process they go through.

As our beloved feline friends grow older, it is important to understand the aging process they go through. Cats are considered senior when they reach the age of 7 to 10 years, depending on their breed and overall health. Just like humans, cats experience physical and mental changes as they age. They may become less active, sleep more, and experience a decline in their senses. It is crucial to recognize these changes and provide the necessary care and support for your elder cat's well-being.

Common Health Issues in Elder Cats

Elder cats are prone to certain health issues that require special attention. Some common health problems in elder cats include arthritis, dental disease, kidney disease, and hyperthyroidism. Arthritis can cause joint pain and stiffness, making it difficult for your cat to move around comfortably. Dental disease can lead to pain, tooth loss, and other serious complications. Kidney disease and hyperthyroidism are common conditions that can affect an elder cat's overall health and quality of life. By being aware of these potential health issues, you can take proactive measures to address them and ensure a happy and healthy life for your elder cat.

Signs of Aging to Watch Out for in Your Cat

Recognizing the signs of aging in your cat is crucial for early detection of any health problems. Keep an eye out for changes in your cat's behavior, appetite, and litter box habits. Elder cats may show signs of decreased energy, weight loss, increased thirst, and changes in their grooming habits. They may also become more forgetful or disoriented. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to consult with your veterinarian for a proper evaluation and appropriate treatment.

Creating a Healthy Environment for Your Elder Cat

Creating a healthy environment is essential for the well-being of your elder Dallas cat. Provide a comfortable and safe space for your cat to rest and relax. Make sure their litter box is easily accessible and cleaned regularly. Elder cats may have difficulty climbing or jumping, so consider providing ramps or steps to help them navigate around the house. Keep the environment calm and stress-free, as stress can exacerbate health issues in elder cats. By creating a nurturing and supportive environment, you can help your elder cat thrive and enjoy their golden years.

Nutrition and Diet Tips for Elder Cats

Proper nutrition is crucial for the health of your elder cat. As cats age, their nutritional needs change. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the best diet for your elder cat. Senior cat food formulas are available and are specifically designed to meet the nutritional requirements of older cats. These formulas typically contain lower levels of fat and protein to support kidney health and maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, consider incorporating supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation and support joint health. Remember to provide fresh water at all times, as elder cats may become more prone to dehydration.

Exercise and Mental Stimulation for Elder Cats

Although elder cats may not be as active as their younger counterparts, regular exercise and mental stimulation are still important. Engage your elder cat in gentle play sessions to keep them physically and mentally active. Provide interactive toys and puzzles to stimulate their mind. Additionally, consider creating a comfortable and accessible space for your cat to explore and relax. This can include a cozy bed near a window or a cat tree with various levels for climbing and perching. By encouraging exercise and mental stimulation, you can help your elder cat maintain their cognitive function and overall well-being.

Regular Veterinary Check-ups and Preventive Care

Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial for monitoring your elder cat's health and detecting any potential issues early on. Schedule routine wellness exams at least twice a year, or as recommended by your veterinarian. During these visits, your veterinarian will perform a comprehensive physical examination, including bloodwork and urinalysis, to assess your cat's overall health. Vaccinations, parasite prevention, and dental cleanings are also important aspects of preventive care for elder cats. By staying proactive with veterinary care, you can address any health concerns promptly and ensure a longer and happier life for your beloved elder cat.

Managing Chronic Conditions in Elder Cats

Elder cats are more prone to developing chronic conditions such as arthritis, kidney disease, and diabetes. Proper management of these conditions is essential for maintaining your cat's quality of life. Your veterinarian may prescribe medications, dietary changes, or other therapies to help manage these conditions. It is important to follow their recommendations and administer any medications as prescribed. Regular monitoring and follow-up visits are crucial to ensure that the treatment plan is effective and adjusted if necessary. With proper management, you can help your elder cat live comfortably and enjoy their senior years.

Tips for Providing Comfort and Support to Your Elder Cat

As your cat ages, they may require additional comfort and support. Provide soft and cozy bedding for your cat to rest on, ensuring that it is easily accessible. Keep the litter box clean and easily reachable, as elder cats may have difficulty with mobility. Consider using a litter box with lower sides or an entrance ramp. Provide a warm and quiet place for your cat to retreat to when they need some peace and quiet. Additionally, offer gentle grooming sessions to keep your cat's coat clean and free of mats. By providing comfort and support, you can enhance your elder cat's well-being and make their golden years truly enjoyable.

Conclusion: Enjoying the Golden Years with Your Beloved Elder Cat

As our cats age, it is our responsibility to provide them with the care and support they need to enjoy their golden years. Understanding the aging process, recognizing signs of aging, and addressing common health issues are essential steps in ensuring a happy and healthy life for your elder cat. Create a healthy environment, provide proper nutrition, and engage your cat in regular exercise and mental stimulation. Stay proactive with regular veterinary check-ups and preventive care. Manage chronic conditions with the guidance of your veterinarian, and always provide comfort and support to your elder cat. By following these essential tips, you can unlock the secrets to a happy and healthy elder cat and cherish the precious moments you have with your feline friend.

To learn more about our DFW area pet cremation services, click here.

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Heath Olinger Heath Olinger

How to Cope with Pet Grief: A Guide for Pet Owners

The death of a beloved pet can be an incredibly difficult experience to endure. It can be hard to understand the grief that comes with the loss of a pet, but it is important to remember that it is perfectly normal. This guide is designed to help pet owners cope with the grief and sadness that comes with the loss of a pet. It provides information on how to understand and process the emotions that accompany pet grief, as well as practical tips for how to memorialize your pet and move forward in a healthy way. Whether you have just recently experienced the loss of a pet or are still struggling with the grief years later, this guide will provide the support you need to help you through the process.

The death of a beloved pet can be an incredibly difficult experience to endure. It can be hard to understand the grief that comes with the loss of a pet, but it is important to remember that it is perfectly normal. This guide is designed to help pet owners cope with the grief and sadness that comes with the loss of a pet. It provides information on how to understand and process the emotions that accompany pet grief, as well as practical tips for how to memorialize your pet and move forward in a healthy way. Whether you have just recently experienced the loss of a pet or are still struggling with the grief years later, this guide will provide the support you need to help you through the process.

Understanding Pet Grief

The term “grief” is used to describe the emotions that come with the death of any loved one. However, pet grief can be somewhat different from grief after the death of a person. This is because there is often a very different type of relationship between pet owners and their pets. This can make it more challenging to understand and process pet grief, but it is important to find ways to cope with the emotions that come with the loss of a pet. Pet owners may experience a wide range of emotions after their Dallas pet dies. These can include sadness, anger, guilt, and even regret. It is completely normal to feel as though you are experiencing a real sense of loss after a pet dies. It is also important to remember that there is no right or wrong way to experience pet grief. Everybody deals with it in their own unique way.

Emotional Stages of Pet Grief

There are five common emotional stages of pet grief. They are not written in stone and they do not happen in the same order for everybody. These are just general guidelines that can help you understand your own process of grieving after your pet dies. The five stages of pet grief are denial, bargaining, sadness, anger, and acceptance. These stages can be related to any type of death, not just pet loss. Denial - This is when you are in complete disbelief that your pet has died. You may even feel as though you are in a dream or a fantasy, like none of this is real. It can also be a sense of false security because you have been through this before and you know that things will be okay again. Bargaining - This is when you feel as though you have to make a deal with somebody or something to bring your pet back. It could be God, a higher power, a loved one who has passed away, or even a medical professional. It is important to remember that no one can bring your pet back. You can only heal yourself by understanding that this is a natural process that will take time. Sadness - This is a very normal feeling after the death of a loved one. It can help you process the grief of losing your pet and can also be an indication that you are healing. It is okay to cry. Anger - This is a normal reaction to grief and loss. It can help you cope with the loss and can also be a sign that you are moving forward. Anger can be targeted at yourself, other people, or even your pet. Acceptance - This is when you feel like you have let go of the pain and sadness of the loss. You can still think fondly about your pet, but you have come to a place where you feel okay about it happening.

Coping with Pet Grief

There are a few different ways to cope with the grief of losing a pet. It is important to remember that everybody will cope with pet grief differently, so it is important to find what works for you. Here are a few things that can help you cope with the grief of losing a pet: - Journaling or writing with pen and paper - Talking to family and friends - Talking to a therapist - Going to a support group - Being active - Getting a pet - Taking care of yourself - Spending time in nature - Creating something - Working with animals - Remembering your pet fondly - Taking care of your health It is important to remember that you don’t have to go through this alone. It is okay to reach out and get help from others.

Expressing Grief

There are many ways to express your grief after losing a pet. Some good ways to do this are by: - Creating a memorial - Getting a tattoo - Writing a letter to your pet or a poem - Painting a picture or doing artwork - Gardening - Cooking a meal and eating while sitting around a table - Meditating - Going on a spiritual journey - Doing something kind for another living being - Donating in your pet’s name - Creating a scrapbook of your pet’s life - Reading a book or watching a movie about pets - Remembering your pet’s birthday - Creating an online tribute or website to your pet - Getting a pet urn - Going to a pet-friendly event - Visiting pets at an animal shelter

Memorializing Your Pet

There are a lot of ways to memorialize your pet after they pass away. There is no right or wrong way to do this, it is just a way for you to remember your pet. Here are a few ideas for memorializing your pet: - Getting a tattoo - Writing a letter or a poem - Writing a book - Painting a picture - Gardening - Cooking a meal and eating while sitting around a table - Meditating - Going on a spiritual journey - Doing something kind for another living being - Donating in your pet’s name - Creating a scrapbook of your pet’s life - Reading a book or watching a movie about pets - Remembering your pet’s birthday by doing something special - Creating an online tribute or website to your pet - Getting a pet urn - Going to a pet-friendly event - Visiting pets at an animal shelter

Seeking Professional Help

If you find that you are struggling with pet grief or your grief is becoming overwhelming, it is a good idea to seek help from a mental health professional. There are many different types of therapists that can help you with your grief. It is important to find someone who is right for you and your needs. You may want to consider these questions when choosing a therapist. Is this therapist comfortable working with animals? Do they have experience working with pet loss? Are they a good fit for me and my situation? Some types of therapists that may be helpful for pet grief include: - Therapists - Counselors - Social Workers - Psychiatrists - Psychologists - Pet loss grief specialists

Moving Forward After Pet Loss

After you have grieved the loss of your pet, you will find that you can move forward again. Even though there is a loss, there is also a new beginning. There are many ways to move forward after pet loss. Here are a few ideas: - Spend time with other animals - Look into helping out at an animal shelter - Volunteer at an animal shelter - Get another pet - Spend more time with your other animals - Get a fish - Get a plant - Spend more time outside in nature - Surround yourself with positive people - Move forward in other areas of your life - Get outside help if you need it

Finding Support

If you are having a hard time coping with pet loss, it can be helpful to find others who are experiencing the same thing. Here are a few places you can find support: - Finding a pet loss support group - Finding a pet loss support group online - Finding a pet loss support group in your area - Finding a pet-friendly therapist - Finding a pet loss support group online - Joining an online pet loss support group

To learn more about our pet cremation services, click here or call us at (972) 483-5588.

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Pet Cremaion Heath Olinger Pet Cremaion Heath Olinger

I Had My Pet Cremated? What Should I Do With The Ashes?

One of the most common problems that occurs after a pet passed away and has been cremated is the owner is left wondering what they should do with their pets ashes.

One of the most common problems that occurs after a pet passed away and has been cremated is the owner is left wondering what they should do with their pet’s ashes.

This is understandable because, cremation is a reminder that the pet has passed and most people are left with the reminder of that pets passing when they see those ashes.

Thankfully, there are a variety of things that can be done with a pets ashes including:


You can take a piece of your pet with you wherever you go when you place a bit of its ashes into a piece of jewelry. Check you local jewelry store for rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, brooches, or any other piece of jewelry you can think of that can hold some of the "cremashes" of your pet. It can be a piece that is pet-themed, or something that is less obvious where only you now that you have are carrying your pet's memory with you at all times.


Did your dog have a favorite place in the yard to spin and spin and spin and finally lie down for a nap? Maybe your cat had a favorite window to sit in to gaze outside. Either of these places would be a good site to lay your pet to rest. My dog dug herself a little "den" in the crook of a tree's roots in the back yard. That is where her remains will be buried so she can forever be in her favorite spot. Under the window where my cat loves to sit and watch the birds will be its final resting place when it's his time. Maybe your pet loved the beach, or going to the country. Burial on public lands may be legal in your area, just check prior to breaking out the shovel.


The boxes that contain the remains of my pets that have been cremated at Louisiana Pet Crematory are quite beautiful. So much so, they are worthy of display in the home. A box containing the ashes of your beloved pet can adorn a shelf, a dresser, even on the mantle.


Contact Paw to Paw Pet Cremation

At Paw to Paw Pet Cremation, we specialize in pet cremation services for the DFW area.

To learn more about the services we can offer you, contact us today by calling (972) 483-5588 or click here.

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Heath Olinger Heath Olinger

How Much Should a Pet Cremation Really Cost?

Our pets are family. More and more in the western world, we as pet owners are learning to incorporate our pets into our end-of-life plans, ensuring they’re well taken care of when we’re gone.

Likewise, pet owners are becoming more conscientious about what happens to our pets when they pass away. When you’ve just lost a beloved pet, the last thing you want to worry about is the cost of cremation. It’s a good idea to inform yourself about cremation ahead of time so you’re ready when the time comes. 

As hard as it is to think about, knowing about pet cremation can help ensure you pay the right price, as well as receive the very best services. Below, we’ll help you understand the average cost of pet cremation and how much it should really cost. 

What’s the Average Cost of a Pet Cremation?

Not all pet cremation providers charge the same price. But there is an average price for pet cremation that should be close to what you pay. 

The average cost of private pet cremation is about $150. That cost applies to both cats and dogs (very large-breed dogs may cost more). Pet cremation costs vary based on the type of cremation, as well as the service provider. 

Private vs. communal cremation

Most pet owners would prefer their pet be treated like any other member of the family. When it comes to cremation, that means paying a fee for private service.

While private pet cremation costs $150, many veterinary offices also offer communal cremation for an average cost of $70. With communal cremation, you won’t receive ashes back, and your pet will be cremated alongside others. 

If you’re offered cremation by your veterinary office, make sure to specify that you want private cremation rather than communal cremation. If you can’t afford the added fee, your veterinary office may be able to set up a payment schedule. 

You can also utilize healthcare credit services--many of which offer no-interest payments for up to a year for veterinary services. Ask your veterinary office if they accept any pet-care credit services. 

Vet Office vs. pet crematorium

Another factor that can impact the cost of your pet’s cremation is the cremation service provider. If your pet passes away at the veterinarian’s office, the vet will offer cremation. The veterinarian’s office has an ongoing contract with a local pet cremation provider. 

If your pet passes away at home, on the other hand, you have the option of bringing your pet directly to the crematorium yourself. 

The veterinary office might charge a small fee for transportation to and from the crematorium, but the price should remain about the same. The main difference is that at a pet crematorium, you might be presented with more options for urns and other memorial items. 

Other Costs to Consider Before, During, or After Cremation

A pet cremation itself can be relatively inexpensive, often costing under $200. But there are other, associated costs that you might end up paying, too. We’ll outline those below so that you can go forward well-informed. 

Cremation viewing 

Some pet crematoriums allow family members to observe their pets undergoing the cremation process. 

While this would be too painful for many pet owners, some would prefer to see how the crematorium treats their pet’s remains. Observing your pet’s cremation may help ensure they’re given a respectful cremation service, but it’s not always offered. 

Pet cremation providers who do offer viewing will usually charge more for cremation. That’s because they must put other work aside for the time it takes to cremate your pet. They’ll likely stop other cremation processes, taking place in other cremators, for the time being as well.

An urn or cremation jewelry

If you want to keep your pet’s cremains at home or bury them, you’ll need an urn or storage container. 

A standard pet urn usually costs around $50. You can opt for something more elaborate or personalized, which will raise the price. If you're interested in a special urn for your pet, consider a company like Foreverence, which specializes in unique, customized urns.

In addition to an urn, you might choose to purchase cremation jewelry containing your pet’s cremains. Cremation jewelry comes in two types: jewelry that acts as a tiny wearable urn, like this urn pendant necklace, and jewelry that is actually made of the ashes themselves, like a cremation diamond

The price of the wearable-urn type of cremation jewelry is typically much lower than the cremation-jewel type. 

Pet burial

You might choose to bury your pet’s cremains. You can typically bury the ashes, inside an urn, in your own yard if you own your home. Otherwise, you can purchase a plot at a local pet cemetery. The cost of a pet cemetery plot averages around $300 to $500. 

If you bury your pet’s cremains, either at home or in a cemetery, you’ll also want to invest in a durable gravestone to mark your pet’s final resting place. Stones vary widely in cost based on the material, shape, size, and engraving. 

An upright headstone can cost well over $300, while a simpler gravestone typically costs $100 or less. You can find tasteful pet grave markers for as little as $20.

Flower paper or burial tree 

If you bury your pet’s cremains or scatter his or her ashes at home, you may consider flower paper or planting a tree. Many veterinarians’ offices and pet crematoriums offer flower paper as an addition to cremation service. Flower paper usually costs only a few dollars. 

If you’d like to plant a tree in your yard instead, you’ll typically need to purchase a sapling from a local nursery. A tree sapling is much more costly than simple flower paper, but it will also serve as a more durable memorial to your beloved pet. 

When you plant the flower paper or tree, simply mix some or all of your pet’s ashes with the soil. Water the paper or the new tree, and tend it accordingly as it grows. 

Memorial or funeral

Many pet owners want to honor their deceased pets’ lives, just as they would any other family member. A pet funeral or memorial is the perfect way to do so. This can even be done virtually, with a platform like GatheringUs.

If you’re scattering your pet’s ashes, bringing them to sea with a biodegradable urn, or planting them along with a tree or flowers, the memorial can center around that event.

Your pet’s funeral can include just your close family, or you may invite over friends and other loved ones. Consider inviting other pets who often played with yours. Pets may not understand the meaning of a funeral or memorial, but they’ll appreciate some extra attention after losing one of their beloved playmates. You can even provide some treats and toys as memorial service favors.

A memorial can be simple or more elaborate, which means they range in price. If you serve food and drinks at your pet’s funeral, be prepared to spend more. 

Is Pet Cremation Expensive? 

Pet cremation is generally very affordable. However, it’s important to keep in mind that there are different types of pet cremation. As mentioned above, there is private cremation and communal cremation. Although private is more expensive, it’s well worth the investment if you want to receive your pet’s ashes back.

With any type of pet cremation, a crematory worker will be handling your pet’s remains. It’s important to make sure you’re comfortable with the crematory, and that they’re highly reputable. If your pet passes away at the vet’s office, you can ask as many questions as you’d like about the cremation process. Make sure you ask for private cremation and understand exactly how your cherished pet’s remains will be treated. 

More on joincake.com

Contact Paw to Paw Pet Cremation

For more information on the costs associated with pet cremation, or to learn more about the pet cremation services that we can offer you, contact us today by calling (972) 483-5588 or click here.

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Heath Olinger Heath Olinger

Terrell Texas Pet Cremation - Contact Us Today

Are you searching for Terrell Texas pet cremation? If so, you've come to the right place.

Pet cremation is one of the last things that pet owners want to think about it because, this means that their pet has reached the end of their life, and it's time to think about death care services for the pet.

Depending upon your living situation, you may be tempted to bury your pet in your backyard.

The reality is that even though this is a common thing that many pet owners have done in the past, it's not recommended in 2020 because, some cities may not allow it.

Instead of burying your pet, or the choosing to place your pets final remains in the pet cemetery, the answer is simple, you should opt for pet cremation instead.

About Our Terrell Texas Pet Cremation Service

Pet cremation is one of the easiest ways to handle a pets final remains because, there's no stress involved.

When your pet passes away, all you have to do is notify us to come and pick up your pets final remains and after the cremation has been done, we can return your pets cremated remains back to you in a decorative urn.

If by chance your pet passes away at your veterinarian's office, we have a relationship with most veterinarians in the area and all you have to do is instruct them to give us a call.

We will come to their office to pick up your pet final remains to transport them back to our crematorium.

Gone, But Not Forgotten

Thanks to our pet cremation service, we make it possible for pet owners to dispose of their pets final remains in a safe and ethical way without having to stress about their pet's death care needs.

To learn more about our Terrell Texas Pet Cremation services contact us today by calling clicking here.

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Heath Olinger Heath Olinger

Private Pet Cremation Near Me – Learn More About Cremation Service For Pets

Are you searching for Private Pet Cremation Near Me? At Paw to Paw Pet Cremation, we specialize in offering pet cremation services for Mabank, and the entire Dallas Texas area.

Are you searching for Private Pet Cremation Near Me? At Paw to Paw Pet Cremation, we specialize in offering pet cremation services for Mabank, and the entire Dallas Texas area.

Our company takes pride in helping pet owners dispose of their pet’s final remains in a caring and compassionate way that takes the stress of having to choose between pet burial or pet cremation off of a pet owners shoulders.

With our private pet cremation near me services, pet owners can have confidence that their pet owners remains are handled so that the owner can move on with the grieving process.

Cremation Service for Pets

Our company works closely with many veterinarians in the Dallas Fort Worth area, this enables us to offer pet owners fast service that saves them the time and hassle of having to choose how they are going to dispose of their pets final remains.

Pet cremation mn is quick, efficient and with our urns and other keepsakes, we can enable a pet owner to have their beloved pets remains with them in their homes.

Learn More About Private Pet Cremation Near Me

Losing a pet is one of the most difficult things that can happen to anyone, thankfully our service makes that loss a little easier because pet owners don’t have to find out how to take care of their pets remains.

Pet owners should not have to deal with their pets final remains alone. We can make the loss of a pet easier and give pet owners confidence that their pets final remains will be handled with dignity.

We offer excellent service, great support and are here to serve your needs. To learn more about us, contact us today by calling (972) 483-5588 or click here to connect with us online.

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Pet Cremaion Heath Olinger Pet Cremaion Heath Olinger

Should You Grieve After Losing A Pet? Yes

Depending on the breed of your pet, you may end up spending 10 years, or longer with them and as with any human, the reality is that grieving is a natural part of processing loss.

Depending on the breed of your pet, you may end up spending 10 years, or longer with them and as with any human, the reality is that grieving is a natural part of processing loss.

Some people may think that their pet is “just a dog” or “it’s just a cat” and try to bypass the grieving process in favor of moving on with their lives. Sadly, this is something that pet owners shouldn’t do because it makes it difficult for the owner to process the raw emotions that they will feel after the loss of their pet.

The best thing to do is to be open to the grieving process following the loss of a pet and to also have a proper way to memorialize them following their loss.

Pet Cremation Helps With The Grieving Process

With pet cremation, an owner can properly memorialize their pet because they can keep their pets cremated remains in an urn in their home. This enables the pet owner to effectively still have a beloved pet “with them” so that they can process the loss of the pet while moving on with their life.

If your pet is close to the end of their life right now, the best thing that you can do is to consider pet cremation so that you can be ready to dispose of your pet’s final remains in a dignified manner.

Contact Paw To Paw Pet Cremation

While losing a pet is never easy, planning and choosing end of life services for your pet doesn’t have to be. Paw to Paw Pet Cremation offers affordable pet cremation services in, and around, the Dallas, Fort Worth, Tyler, & Mabank, Texas areas. We pick-up and deliver your pets ashes which is safe, respectful & timely.

To learn more about the pet cremation services we can offer you, contact us today by calling (972) 483-5588 or click here to connect with us online.

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Pet Cremaion Heath Olinger Pet Cremaion Heath Olinger

Make Sure You Have A Support System In Place After Losing A Pet

Is your pet approaching the end of their life? If so, one of the most important things that you should do is make sure that you have a support system in place after your pet passes away.

Is your pet approaching the end of their life? If so, one of the most important things that you should do is make sure that you have a support system in place after your pet passes away.

A support system is important because depending on the breed of your pet, it’s possible that they may have spent years with you and you’re going to need to process their loss after they pass away.

Who Should Be In Your Support System?

The good thing about having a support system in place following the loss of your pet is that your support system doesn’t have to be a large network of people, it can be one or two trusted friends that you can turn to for emotional support after your pet passes away.

Once you have a support system in place, you will be able to “process” the loss of your pet by having someone that you can talk with about that loss rather than keeping those emotions bottled up and handling them all yourself.

Keep in mind that if your pet spends years of your life with you it’s going to take time to process that loss, just like you would process the loss of a human family member, so it’s better to take the time to think about who you will be approaching for emotional support after your pet has passed away.

How Will You Dispose Of Your Pets Final Remains?

After deciding on your emotional support system following the loss of your pet, the next step is to decide on how you will dispose of your pet’s final remains.

Will you choose pet cremation or burial? Although it may seem easier to bury your pet in your backyard, so that they will be close by, the reality is that most cities don’t allow pet burial so it’s best to consider pet cremation, especially if you want to not break any state or local laws.

Contact Paw to Paw Pet Cremation

For more information on the pet cremation services we can offer you, contact us today by calling (972) 483-5588 or click here to connect with us online.

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Pet Cremaion Heath Olinger Pet Cremaion Heath Olinger

Pet Cremation Questions And Answers

Pet cremation is one of the most popular methods for disposing of a pet’s final remains when they pass away because it costs about half as much as burial and cremation also enables a pet owner to keep the final remains of their pet with them in their home.

Is your pet approaching the end of their life and you’re trying to decide between pet cremation and burial?

We understand that during this difficult time you have questions about what’s the best option for your pets remains, this is why in this blog post we will cover some of the most common pet cremation questions and answers.

Question #1 – What Is Pet Cremation?

Pet cremation is one of the most popular methods for disposing of a pet’s final remains when they pass away because it costs about half as much as burial and cremation also enables a pet owner to keep the final remains of their pet with them in their home.

Pet cremation is also more effective than burial because most counties don’t allow pet owners to bury their pet’s final remains in their backyards and it keeps a pet owner from breaking any city or county laws.

Question #2 – What Should You Consider Before Choosing A Pet Cremation Service

The most important thing that you should consider when choosing a pet cremation service is to verify how your pet’s final remains will be cremated.

Every pet cremation service offers owners the option to have their pet’s final remains cremated with other pets (communal pet cremation), or private pet cremation, so you should choose the right option for you before moving forward with pet cremation.

Question #3 – How Does Pet Cremation Work?

Pet cremation works much the same way as human cremation does. If your pet dies at your vet’s office, they will ask you how you want to dispose of your pet’s final remains and cremation will be one of those options.

If you choose to have your pet cremated, your vet will most likely have an agreement with a local pet cremation service, like Paw to Paw Pet Cremation, and will transport your pets remains to that facility.

Once your pets remain have arrived at the pet crematory, their remains will stay in cold storage for up to 5 days until it’s cremated.

The average pet cremation service uses flame-based cremation; this means that they will use high heat to dispose of your pet’s final remains.

Depending on the size of your pet, the entire cremation process can take between 30 minutes, and two hours. After your pets remains are cremated and processed, they will be placed in a bag then if you’ve chosen an urn, the remains will be placed in that urn and given to you.

Contact Paw to Paw Pet Cremation

For more information on Paw to Paw Pet Cremation, and the services we can offer you, contact us today by calling (972) 483-5588 or click here to connect with us online.

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Pet Cremaion Heath Olinger Pet Cremaion Heath Olinger

What To Do If Your Pet Dies At Home

Every year, thousands of pets around the world die in the homes that they may have been living in for their entire lives.

Every year, thousands of pets around the world die in the homes that they may have been living in for their entire lives.Sadly, most pet owners never take the time to think about how they're going to handle the loss of their pets, especially as their pets get older and it’s obvious that the pet is slowing down. This is why in this article we will provide you with tips on what to do if you own a “senior pet” that is getting close to the end of its life.

Tip #1 - Decide On Burial Or Cremation

The first thing that you need to think about is to consider if you're going to have your pet buried or cremated.

If you live on a property that has plenty of land, you may want to consider burying your pet in your backyard, or somewhere on your property, but, you should also verify with the city or county where your home is located that you are legally allowed to do this.

Ideally, one of the easiest things that you can do once your pet passes away is to have the pet cremated.

Pet cremation is a hassle-free way to deal with your pet's final remains especially since you won't have to question if you are legally allowed to bury your pet in the backyard since environmental laws have changed over the last 20 years in many cities do not allow this.

Tip #2 - Make Your Pets Final Days Comfortable

Once you decide on pet burial or cremation, the next thing that you need to consider is how you're going to make your pet's final days comfortable at home.

Depending upon the breed and age of your pet, they may be in a lot of pain and require medication to keep them moving. Your goal should be to do everything that you can to make their final days comfortable by providing them with the recommended doses of medication from the vet, keeping them in a comfortable space, and surrounding them with their favorite things.

Ultimately, your pet is going to pass away, once they do, the next thing that you should do wrap them up in their favorite blanket, then contact your local veterinarian, or our company can easily come to your home to take your pets final remains away for cremation.

Tip #3 - Manage Your Grief

Last of all, but most important, besides having a contingency plan in place for dealing with your pets' final days at home, the next thing that you need to do is have a plan for how you're going to manage your grief after they pass away.

Remember that having a pet pass away is no different than having a friend or family member pas away. You have to make the effort to talk about the loss of your pet with your friends, family members, or trusted confidants because you never want to let that grief stay inside you, the most important thing that you should do is focus on talking about how you're feeling and take steps to deal with the grief constructively.
Contact Paw to Paw Pet Cremation

To learn more about the pet cremation services that we can offer you, contact us today by clicking here.

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Pet Cremaion Heath Olinger Pet Cremaion Heath Olinger

Pet Cremation Fort Worth

Are you searching for pet cremation services in the Dallas-Fort Worth area? If so, you've come to the
right place! At Paw to Paw pet cremation….

Are you searching for pet cremation services in the Dallas-Fort Worth area? If so, you've come to the right place!

At Paw to Paw pet cremation, we offer pet cremation in the Fort Worth area; this means that it doesn't matter if you live in Dallas or Fort Worth, you can count on us to provide you with the caring and compassionate pet cremation services that you need.

The loss of a pet is one of the absolute worst things that anyone could deal with; if you just recently lost your pet we encourage you to
consider pet cremation because it's the easiest way to dispose of your pets final remains while at the same time continuing to have a part of your pet still with you if you have the remains placed in an urn or one of the memorial keepsakes that we can offer you.

Pet cremation is more cost-effective than pet burials because of the simple fact that you won't have to pay thousands of dollars to have your pets final remains placed in a pet cemetery and you won’t have to wonder about the legality of burying your pet in your back yard.

To learn more about the pet cremation services that we can offer you, contact us today by clicking here.

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Pet Cremaion Heath Olinger Pet Cremaion Heath Olinger

Dallas Texas Pet Cremation Services - Contact Us Today By Clicking Here!

Are you searching for Dallas Texas pet cremation services? If so, you've come to the right place! At Paw to Paw pet cremation, we specialize in caring and compassionate services that help you to deal with your pet’s final remains.

Are you searching for Dallas Texas pet cremation services? If so, you've come to the right place! At Paw to Paw pet cremation, we specialize in caring and compassionate services that help you to deal with your pet’s final remains.

Unlike burying your pet in the backyard, in a manner which may not technically be considered legal, our service is both legal, ethical and it will save you the time and hassle of having to dispose of your pet's remains yourself.

Most people like the thought of burying their pet in the backyard because they want to know where those remains are so that they can have a continuous tense of connection with their pet after they've passed away. The good news about pet cremation is that once your pet is cremated, you can still have that continued sense of connection with your pet when we place your pet's ashes in an urn.

Once we deliver your pet's ashes to you, you can have confidence that you can still in some way have a part of your pet with you in your life for years to come.

Learn more about paw to Paw pet cremation services

To learn more about Paw to Paw pet cremation services, contact us today by calling 972-483-5588 or click here to connect plus online.


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Cremation Heath Olinger Cremation Heath Olinger

Pet cremation services near me

Are you looking for Pet Cremation Services near me? If so, you've come to the right place! At Paw to Paw Pet Cremation, we specialize in caring and compassionate services which will enable you to take care of your pets remains effectively.

Are you looking for Pet Cremation Services near me? If so, you've come to the right place! At Paw to Paw Pet Cremation, we specialize in caring and compassionate services which will enable you to take care of your pets remains effectively.

It doesn't matter if you recently lost your beloved dog, cat, or another pet in your furry family, our staff provides our clients with caring and compassionate pet cremation services. This means that you can count on us to pick up the remains of your pet either from your veterinary office, or home, and once we've cremated your pet, we will then return the ashes to you, or we could dispose of those ashes based upon your preferences. 

Why pet cremation?

When it comes to losing a pet, this is by far one of the most difficult situations that anyone can face in their lives and a decision has to be made. The owner of the pet either has to decide to cremate their pet's remains or potentially bury their pet's remains.

Cremation versus pet burial is all about personal preference but the reality when it comes to creation is that it's by far one of the easiest ways to dispose of a beloved pets remains safe while at the same time being able to continue having those remains in your home when you have them placed in the urn of your choosing.

Our company was created for pet owners by pet owners. We're passionate about animals, we love having pets in our lives just as much as you do, and we can promise to your excellent service to help you get through this difficult time in your life.

Contact Us

Learn more about the pet cremation services that we can offer you, contact us today by clicking here to connect with us online

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Cremation Heath Olinger Cremation Heath Olinger

Can You Bury Your Pet In The Backyard In Texas?

Did your pet just pass away and you're wondering if you could bury it in your backyard? If so, you have our deepest condolences about the passing of your pet.

Did your pet just pass away and you're wondering if you could bury it in your backyard? If so, you have our deepest condolences about the passing of your pet.

The answer to the question of if you can bury your pet in your backyard is yes, most cities only require property owners to bury that remains of their animals at least three to four feet in the ground but you should still verify with your city or county first before attempting to bury the remains of your pet.

Pet Cremation Is Another Solution

Instead of burying the remains of your pet you should consider having those remains cremated. Pet cremation will save you the time, and hassle of having to bury the remains of your pet yourself while also making sure that you do not unintentionally violate any laws in the city or county where your property is located.

Sadly, in this day and age, it's not uncommon for many cities and counties to have different laws, rules, and regulations concerning burying the remains of pets so it's important to take the time to confirm if you can indeed bury the remains of your pet or you may want to save yourself the hassle and have those remains cremated instead.

Contact Paw to Paw Pet Cremation

We offer a caring and compassionate way for owners to dispose of the remains of their pets in a simple, respectful and efficient manner.

It doesn't matter where the remains of your pets are because we will pick them up from your veterinarian's office or your property, cremate them, and return those remains to you in the urn of your choice or we can dispose of those remains for you.

To learn more about the services that we can offer you contact us today and by calling (972) 483-5588 or click here it's connected plus online.

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Cremation Heath Olinger Cremation Heath Olinger

Pet Cremation Vs. Burial – Which Choice Is Right for You?

Are you struggling with deciding if you should bury your pet or have them cremated after they pass away?  If so, there’s no denying that this is going to be one of the hardest decisions that you may ever have to make, that’s why in this article we will break down pet cremation vs. burial so that you will know which option is right for you.

Pet Cremation

Pet cremation is one of the most affordable and easy ways to care for your pet’s remains in this day and age.

When choosing a pet crematory, make sure that they will be willing to answer your questions because you should feel 100% comfortable with entrusting them with your pet's remains.

The pet crematory that you choose should also be able to offer you a variety of choices for your pet’s cremation including private, semi-private or communal cremation.

What’s great about working with a pet crematory like Paw to Paw Pet Cremation is that we will pick up your pet's final remains from your home or veterinarians' office so that there’s nothing that you have to do other than to tell us where you want your pet's ashes delivered.

Pet Burial

Pet burial is one of the oldest and time-tested ways of disposing of a pet remains but, in this day, and age the rules have changed and it’s not always legal for a homeowner to bury the remains of their pet in their backyard, or on their land.

With the regulations regarding pet burials changing, it makes sense to choose a pet cemetery because this will enable you to have your pet buried in a real pet cemetery where there will not be any chance that it remains will be disturbed by other wildlife.

Contact Paw to Paw Pet Cremation

For more information about burial vs. pet cremation, or to speak with us about the services we can offer you, contact us today by clicking here.

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